Finally Free
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loginPicture your life as a room.
Beautiful hardwood floors are swept clean. Sunlight streams through
windows. Photos of family and friends hang on the walls. The furniture
is arranged just how you want it—for maximum usefulness and comfort.
The room is peaceful. It’s just right.
But in a corner hidden by shadows, in a tiny crack between two
floorboards, a small, ugly weed has sprouted.
The weed represents pornography.
It’s so small. It’s easy to hide. You can cover it with a rug or chair.
You can ignore it and downplay its significance. There are so many other
good and beautiful things to enjoy in the room of your life.
But the weed grows … and grows.
Its thorny, twisted vines steadily spread across the floor and climb the
walls. They wrap themselves around tables and chairs. They even grow
over the windows—blocking out the sunlight. Now no part of your room
is untouched. Everywhere you turn, the weed has invaded and is
choking out life. You feel like a prisoner.
I don’t know how big a problem pornography is for you. Maybe this
weed has overtaken your life. Or maybe it’s just beginning to grow. If
you’re like many people, you’ve tried to uproot it with little success.
The problem is that too many of us use ineffective tools. Picture that
tough, thorn-covered weed. And then imagine yourself trying to dislodge
it with a plastic fork. A toothpick. A flimsy straw. These are the kinds of
useless tools we’re working with when we try to change deeply rooted
habits with mere willpower, personal resolutions, and self-centered,
worldly sorrow.
We need better tools.
And that’s what Finally Free is all about.